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A Clampdown On Major Polluters In Aluminum Industry.

May 26, 2017

According to domestic industry sources, the government of the PRC is pondering a clampdown on major polluters in its aluminium industry.

The talk of environmental crackdowns in the aluminium industry arose after China’s premier Xi Jinping and United States’ president Donald Trump met at the latter’s Palm Beach, Florida residence to discuss matters of trade between the two countries. According to statements made from both camps, a great deal of progress was made on a range of issues involving trade and cross-border investments.

A major factor pushing the idea of capacity cuts is an ever-increasing pressure from within to improve the country’s air and water quality. 

Industry sources told the media that China’s leadership may be amenable to shutting off aluminium exports to the United States in exchange for more favorable agreements on trade in other sectors.

A ban on aluminium imports would be a slam dunk for Trump’s “Make America Great Again” push, while a drop in exports from China would give Xi sufficient cover for ratcheting down aluminium production.