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Environmental Strom Deteriorates Recycled Aluminum Industry

Aug 06, 2018

Accornding to research, the environment storm has axed  8.7% of the renewable aluminu industry of China After the Spring Festival of  2017, the main factors influencing the price of recycled aluminium alloy ingots are still the supply of scrap aluminium and the demand for die-casting downstream.

The late opeaning of the scrap markets,make the aluminum scrap price rebounce. On 15th February, Recycled Aluminum Ingot ADC12  price once rose to 14800-15000 yuan/ton in the southwest China. With the stable operating of the scrap market, the shortage of aluminium scrap in the mid-March has been basically eased. At present, due to the decline of orders, Shandong, Chongqing and Zhejiang parts of small and medium-sized recycled aluminum enterprises are undergoing  fierce competitions,accordingly recycled aluminum ingot ADC12 price falls obviously.